end propagation


We are all connected through our interactions. Imagine a blank space filled with dots, each representing a person. These dots are linked by their interactions, and each interaction influences a person’s internal state. This internal state, in turn, greatly affects the quality of future interactions. Whether someone is happy, angry, or calm will determine how they engage with others.

Interactions can be seen as an exchange of information. Put simply, there is information that serves us and information that does not serve the future we desire.

The flow of information across this network of people is alive, constantly in flux. Information influences the internal state of individuals, and in turn, those individuals affect the quality of the information passed on.


Part of being responsible within this network is the ability to stop the spread of the information and stories that do not serve. This means recognising when information does not support the future we want to move toward.

Change the seemingly unchangeable

In navigating complex cultures / systems that seem stuck and unsolvable, the process could begin with gently shifting the flow of information and interactions. By consciously choosing to propagate information that serves a better future, you can help move these complex systems, our culture, toward desired change.

It ends with you

To becomes a filter in the network. To stop propagating lesser information, even when emotional addicted to it. To overcome it, It ends with you, as you do not speak it nor contribute to its further propagation.